CULINARY CBR. featuring Braidwood Food Co.

D o you know the what the biggest topic of conversation in our shop is??? Dinner! 

What are you cooking for dinner? It is the question we either ask or are asked to help you find ingredients to make your delicious creations. 
The responses we receive made us realise that some of you walk into our shop, looking for inspiration – gosh that fills our cup up! Be it, a unique ingredients, a flavour, the season (like right now…warming dishes with seasonal vegetables) and also local – how can I make my dinner more locally sourced?!
This has led to our incredible new recipe creation and collaboration with a handful of our Canberra Producers – CULINARY CBR
To kick off CULINARY CBR. Tim Wimborne from Braidwood Food Co. has created a beautiful wintery dish – Sausage & Sage Ragu over Mountain Pepper Gigli which we know you are going to love. Tim recommends pairing it with a glass of Pinot Gris & Daniel recommends a glass of Sangiovese for the red lovers.
Each month we will release a new recipe from a local Canberra Producer to help you cook with our Regions Finest. It will help you take the guesswork out of meal planning or last minute decisions – everything available IN STORE for you to join us on our CULINARY CBR. journey. 


Braidwood Food Co. is a family owned business founded by Meraiah Foley & Chef Tim Wimborne, that centre’s around seasonal eating and sourcing ingredients from ethical producers near our town of Braidwood in NSW.

Braidwood Food Co. produce handcrafted, locally flavoured food which is all natural. Their range includes fresh & dried pastas, Mountain Pepper from their Braidwood orchards and their famous Flatbreads.

Here is Tim’s Winter Recipe for our CULINARY CBR. featuring Canberra & Regional Food Producers.

This is our initiative to support & eat local.


Sausage & Sage Ragu over Mountain Pepper Gigli




  • Olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 brown onion, finely chopped
  • 4 whole bay leaves
  • 3 medium pork sausages, remove the skins if possible & roughly cut – My favourite is pork and fennel
  • 1/3 cup sage leaves, chopped
  • Sage leaves, whole (3 per serving)
  • 3/4 cup white wine
  • 2 cups tomato passata
  • 1 cup stock (chicken or vegetable)
  • Salt and Pepper, if desired
  • Canola oil
  • 375g Mountain Pepper Pasta – Mild
  • A liberal amount of finely grated Pecorino cheese to serve.



1. Over a medium heat add about 3 tablespoons of olive oil to a heavy based pan. Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes

2. Add the garlic and bay leaves. Cook until fragrant.

3. Add sausage and stir gently but regularly as it gains colours all over. You can also break up any larger pieces of sausage at this stage. Add chopped sage leaf and then deglaze with the white wine. Simmer for a few minutes allowing the liquid to reduce by about half.

4. Place a separate large pot, 3/4 filled with water and 1-2 tablespoons of salt on a high heat for the pasta. Place a lid on top and bring it to the boil while you cook your sauce.

5. Add the Passata and stock to the sauce. Then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Only now should you season to taste with salt and pepper.

6. Now is the time to cook your pasta. Cook the pasta to your preference.

Tim’s Pasta Tip: Remember that the larger the pot and amount of water, the less it cools when adding your pasta and the faster it will cook. To drain your cooked pasta it is preferable to lift it from the water using a pasta spoon strainer (the wire ladle kind are best).

This ensures loose semolina/flour stays at the bottom of your cooking pot and doesn’t find its way into your sauce. Some sauces can benefit from this added thickening agent but not this sauce. Add the cooked pasta to your sauce and toss it through gently.

7. Meanwhile heat about 1/4 cup of canola oil in a frying pan and crisp the whole sage leaves for a minute or less until they are crisp. Remove them from the oil (I use wooden chopsticks for this). Drain the fried leaves on a paper towel before placing them atop each bowl of pasta.

8. Sprinkle plenty of Pecorino cheese over the top.

Depending on the season, temperature or just how we’re feeling we like to accompany this with a glass of Pinot Gris.


Big thank you to our Local Photographer Sally Witchalls for capturing our recipe shoot. 
